Here we go...
We guys finally met today. As there were just 5 of us, not much happened. For the benefit of those absent, here’s what we discussed (I shall try to be very concise)
1. robotics- preparing working prototypes at this stage will prove to be rather expensive. Hence we plan to mainly improve on our theoretical knowledge and do the designing part. When the “ robotics season” starts around Dec. we shall be well placed to take part and do well. It was suggested that each of us gained a thorough ( or at least tried to) knowledge of those aspects concerning his own branch and then shared the same with those of other branches. That is the minimal requirement because a complete understanding of all aspects is a sin quo non. Get in touch and start immediately.
2. Quizzing- a business quiz is in the offing. A detailed post by Abhishek on how to go about quizzing and preparing original quizzes (for the benefit of all of us ignoramuses) shall be expected soon.
3. a proposal to start a blog-based debate forum was made. However I feel that this should serve some purpose and not be one of those pointless exercises we had in school where the loudest shouter and smoothest talker won. I am clueless about how to go about that so I’m waiting for a good topic to start with. (Blog-based mainly because there wouldn’t be enough time to do it at the meetings.
Any ideas???
4. We’re looking forward to Abhishek conducting a few jam sessions.
5. My suggestion of having a competition of preparing business plans was regarded as a good one. Even though we’re not going to actually do anything with those plans (unless someone comes up with something really earth-shattering) it will certainly give us a chance to learn a lot about business and prove to be especially beneficial for those interested in pursuing management or having an entrepreneurial bent.
The first plan we plan to prepare is ( not surprisingly, for every COEPian has discussed this umpteen times) how to improvise the Boat club canteen without depriving it of the old-world laidback charm (I use these words very loosely) it now has. I’m sure this needs no elaboration and everyone completely understands what I’m talking about. Start jotting down ideas and in a few days I’ll put up something more about this.
6. the main aim behind starting this “club” was that friends get together and share with others their knowledge and information so that we all become better and competent engineers (Phew!!! Nice aim, if only we actually did anything). So members are requested to post here or give a talk at the meetings about any topic that interests them or about any book that they read ( better not be fiction or erotica ;-) ) for example a brief talk on the stock markets is in the offing. I request everyone to come forth, grab some initiative and contribute whatever
you can. Only you stand to benefit.
So far, I seem to be the only one posting here, but I hope others shall start soon in right earnest. And please spread the word around. I really look forward to some comments and suggestions from you guys. These are only a few ideas, you can suggest and start whatever you feel like ( that’s the whole idea.).
The next meeting shall be in about a week’s time and is expected to have better attendance.
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