Thursday, June 30, 2005

meeting tomorrow

though nedstsat tells me that not too many people read this blog, there is an activity club meeting tomorrow at 12. thats july 1 2005 at noon at the BC.
jam session ( conducted by a non-member). so kindly haul up your ar@#s and be there on time.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Here's a link to Ashish Bhat's website. He's got some amazing facts about the robots he has made. Check out the flood-fill algorithmn to solve micromouse and details of his micromouse. Click here for electronic nirvana.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Here we go...

We guys finally met today. As there were just 5 of us, not much happened. For the benefit of those absent, here’s what we discussed (I shall try to be very concise)

1. robotics- preparing working prototypes at this stage will prove to be rather expensive. Hence we plan to mainly improve on our theoretical knowledge and do the designing part. When the “ robotics season” starts around Dec. we shall be well placed to take part and do well. It was suggested that each of us gained a thorough ( or at least tried to) knowledge of those aspects concerning his own branch and then shared the same with those of other branches. That is the minimal requirement because a complete understanding of all aspects is a sin quo non. Get in touch and start immediately.
2. Quizzing- a business quiz is in the offing. A detailed post by Abhishek on how to go about quizzing and preparing original quizzes (for the benefit of all of us ignoramuses) shall be expected soon.
3. a proposal to start a blog-based debate forum was made. However I feel that this should serve some purpose and not be one of those pointless exercises we had in school where the loudest shouter and smoothest talker won. I am clueless about how to go about that so I’m waiting for a good topic to start with. (Blog-based mainly because there wouldn’t be enough time to do it at the meetings.
Any ideas???
4. We’re looking forward to Abhishek conducting a few jam sessions.
5. My suggestion of having a competition of preparing business plans was regarded as a good one. Even though we’re not going to actually do anything with those plans (unless someone comes up with something really earth-shattering) it will certainly give us a chance to learn a lot about business and prove to be especially beneficial for those interested in pursuing management or having an entrepreneurial bent.
The first plan we plan to prepare is ( not surprisingly, for every COEPian has discussed this umpteen times) how to improvise the Boat club canteen without depriving it of the old-world laidback charm (I use these words very loosely) it now has. I’m sure this needs no elaboration and everyone completely understands what I’m talking about. Start jotting down ideas and in a few days I’ll put up something more about this.

6. the main aim behind starting this “club” was that friends get together and share with others their knowledge and information so that we all become better and competent engineers (Phew!!! Nice aim, if only we actually did anything). So members are requested to post here or give a talk at the meetings about any topic that interests them or about any book that they read ( better not be fiction or erotica ;-) ) for example a brief talk on the stock markets is in the offing. I request everyone to come forth, grab some initiative and contribute whatever
you can. Only you stand to benefit.

So far, I seem to be the only one posting here, but I hope others shall start soon in right earnest. And please spread the word around. I really look forward to some comments and suggestions from you guys. These are only a few ideas, you can suggest and start whatever you feel like ( that’s the whole idea.).

The next meeting shall be in about a week’s time and is expected to have better attendance.

Monday, June 13, 2005

next meeting

The Activity Club finally meets on Tuesday at about one. The agenda is likely to be as follows-
1. Quiz by aseem and maybe kapeesh
2. deciding on "other" activities (don't start getting ideas, you sickos)
3. stock talk, if there's a large-enough audience.

be there.
think of how we can start doing something worthwhile w.r.t. the following themes-
1. robotics(without spending too much money)
2. how about a debate club sorta thing.
3. I've kinda developed a fascination for nanotech. so if you guys have anything about it, plzz let me know and i'll be reallllyyy nice to you.
4.what do you think of starting a competition (amongst ourselves, of course) of preparing business plans and stuff( dont start laughing, i'll elaborate in person, but it surely will be a very productive exercise).
5. anything u fancy.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Continuing links.....

Hi !!

“THE ACTIVITY CLUB BLOG", sounds great to me.
Although I'm not a blog - worm, but I will try to contribute to this blog, being one of the member of the activity club. (I have registered my two blogs way back but never posted anything).

To add to the maverick’s list of useful links I just came across this one “Micromouse Resources". It contains absolutely everything about micromice starting from what is a micromouse to how to construct a full fledged one. So just have a look at it.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

MIT OpenCourseWare

here's this awesome online resource that i came across a few days back. MIT (the great-grand-daddy of all IT's and not its two bit namesake) hs put up plenty of details of most of their courses online. that is, the syllabus, a few notes, assignments, reference books, projects, the works...and if you have a broadband connection then its even better. check it out for COEP cannot hope to match those standards anytime soon.
  • MIT OpenCourseWare
  • the story so far...

    The activity club has so far had about 4-5 meetings. We meet typically on Saturday afternoons though that may change in the future. We have, on these occasions only conducted quizzes, mainly by Abhishek and an introductory talk on the Theory of Relativity by Vineet. Attendance has ranged from five to ten people.

    I hope that our activities gather momentum soon. If there is something that you wish to suggest, I lay out the red carpet for you. Also I propose to open membership to people from outside COEP as well.


    Never mind the corny title to the post. I may have created the blog but Abhishek beat me to the task of putting up the first post. Given that most COEPians I know aren’t as net-savvy as the two of us,( net-savvy does not include countless hours of porn, ok no more attempts at humour here, this blog will be only serious stuff) I am skeptical of its success. However I hope to have a few converts soon.

    The philosophy of the group is simple. Without resorting to lofty prose, it basically aims at pooling together the knowledge resources of all its members and thus creating value addition for all members.

    To start off, I’m adding some useful web-links that I’ve come across lately. More to follow soon…

    Tuesday, June 07, 2005

    Pahela Pahela Post Hai . . .

    Hey,I feel this blog is a great idea - a blog is a far more open and far more accesible mode than egroups. This could be an allied forum for all activities and yes, groups members can get to know each other. Also non-blogger members can taste their first experience of the vast possibilities that blogger in particular and blogging in general offers.
    So here's to a long innings on the net - and indeed for The Activity Club
